Customer Service


Welcome to’s official website’s membership. By creating an account or logging in, you acknowledge your agreement to our Terms and Conditions (link) and Privacy Policy (link).

  • Membership user

    1. Customers may register for membership through any available platform or authentication method, including Gmail, Email, Facebook, or Apple ID.
    2. As a member, customers can give feedback and share reviews on our services and products, helping us improve and better serve your needs.
    3. As a member, customers have access to their complete travel history, allowing for easy tracking and reference of past trips.
    4. As a member, customers can receive updates and detailed information on upcoming travel offers, programs, destinations and prices.
    5. As a member, customers able to receive exclusive promotions and discounts on future travel bookings.
  • Membership rights and responsibilities

    1. Customers need to provide accurate, up-to-date information when signing up and keeping your account details current and are fully responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information they provide. The company is not liable for incorrect or incomplete information provided by the customer.
    2. A registered customer has the right to update their information.
    3. When booking travel, the customer is fully responsible for providing accurate information regarding their requirements. If any changes occur, please notify us immediately via email at or by calling (+976) 7272-0099.
    4. Members are responsible for safeguarding the privacy of their personal information. The company is not liable for any issues or violation resulting from the members’ failure to protect their own data.
    5. The company will protect the privacy of the customer’s personal information.
    6. A customer can register with only one email address, and a previously used email cannot be reused for another membership.
    7. The website requires that you be at least 18 years old and legally capable of entering into agreements to book a trip. In order to make a booking, one must be a member. Customers must provide a valid email address, phone number, and other necessary information to move forward.


If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our website or booking services, feel free to contact us. You can find all the necessary contact information in Membership rights & responsibilities section of these terms. We are here to help and will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible.


If these original terms are translated into other languages, the English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the versions.


These terms form an agreement between the customer and the company. No third party may enforce any of these terms. If any part of these terms is deemed illegal by a court or relevant authority, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.